Thursday, June 6, 2013

Essential Skills Necessary to Be an Effective Leader

Anybody can be a leader. Leaders are not born, they are made by choices and by circumstances. Leadership is all about influence, serving others, and people building.

"The one who serves you best will be your leader." Luke 22:26 

Effective leaders perform these essential skills:


Effective leaders can only take people to where they have gone themselves.  Leaders model and lead by example. In the hospitality industry, leaders model how employees treat and interact with guests and co-workers and the expectations in performing their job responsibilities.


Leaders help people to see and think beyond themselves, and to get a cause greater then themselves. People need to be challenged and can only grow when they are challenged. People hunger for a higher purpose.

How to challenge people:
  • Challenge priorities
  • Challenge them to do something that seems impossible
  • Challenge small thinking, expand the vision. 


Leaders bring out the best in people by affirming their potential, this is important because it gives people courage. You can affirm people by looking them in the eye and listening which lets people know that they are important and expresses value when you pay attention. 
Effective leaders are not in a hurry and don't blow past people, they take the time to pay attention. They see people not the way they are but the way they want them to become. They don't tell people like it is, instead they tell them like it could be. They encourage people regularly. Encouragement should be real, not fake, or manipulative. It also helps if it is written, never underestimate the power of a simple little note. Effective leaders also explain why things are done a certain way and are open to input.


People respond to responsibility and tend to live up to responsibility. Effective leaders allow people to fail. Failure is a part of life and people learn from their failures. Failure isn't fatal. Trust people with to much, not to little.


Effective leaders follow a negative with a positive. Correct instruct, don't do it this way, instead do it this way. The right feedback builds up people, the wrong feedback can destroy them. Correct without condemning. Check your motive, never correct in anger. Affirm the person, correct the behavior. Watch your words as you give it, don't use harmful words but words that help to build up.


Effective leaders accept the blame and share the credit.

Effective leaders share similiar characteristics. These are:
  • Honesty - Display sincerity and integrity in all actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust.
  • Competent - Actions should be based on reason and moral principles and do not make decisions based on emotional desires or feelings.
  • Forward-looking - Set goals and have a vision of the future that reflects the culture of the organization. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it. 
  • Inspiring - Inspire others to reach for new heights. 
  • Intelligent - Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
  • Fair-minded - Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the enemy of justice. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others.
  • Broad-minded - Seek out diversity.
  • Courageous - Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress.
  • Straightforward - Use sound judgment to make good timely decisions.
  • Imaginative - Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be innovative!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Key Success Factors for the Restaurant Industry

The restaurant industry is a highly competitive industry. Knowing and understanding your business and implementing key success factors could help give you that competitive advantage. Here is a list of critical success factors by rank. Is it any surprise that happy employees are the most important factor to success? If the employees are happy, the guest will be happy too. Of course it helps if you also have a good product. Check out the rest of the list:

Critical Success Factor:

  1. Employee attitude 
  2. Guest satisfaction (Service)
  3. Superior product
  4. Great location
  5. Maximize revenue/Cost control
  6. Increase market share
  7. Increase customer price-value perception
  8. Achieve market segmentation

Key to success
Here is a more detailed list of the key success factors for the restaurant industry. 
How many of them are you doing?

  • Hire reliable employees. A business is only as good as its employees!
  • Gain a competitive advantage through cost or differentiation
  • Measure and incorporate tactics into scripts to increase check averages. For example, "would you like to start off with a soup or salad?"
  • Measure and control waste in the kitchen
  • Know your busy and slow time and schedule the staff accordingly
  • Portion control: not too much or too little
  • Know your price points
  • Benchmarking: know what your industry norm is and where you sit in relation to it
  • Calculate your labor costs as % of Sales
  • Have an extensive team training / induction program to ensure skills are shared
  • Mystery shop your restaurant, measuring service is so important
  • Invite guests to come back, offer free meals on birthday or bring a friend promotions
  • Solicit guest referrals
  • 80/20 Rule - find out what actually sells based on $ and promote items that are selling and delete the ones that are not.
  • Measure # transactions/repeat custom, loyalty cards work well for this
  • Kitchen system: Set-up for efficiency. Ensure everything has its place and is put away when finished with.
  • Ordering system: have a standard checklist of items for purchase with minimum restocking levels that is checked prior to ordering
  • Set up sections for efficiency, standardize the way tables are set, table arrangement, seating order and who is to cover what area
  • Sanitation: Keep the restaurant clean.
  • View things from the customers eye including: Parking availability, street appeal and signage, and guest perception when seated
  • Build a database so you can communicate with your customers, offer a membership card in exchange for their details and keep in-touch with them a minimum of every 90 days
  • Implement social media marketing through Facebook and Twitter. Allow your guests to talk about their experience and interact with them on a personal level. Use social media to create excitement on new menu rollouts and special promotions.
  • Loyalty program: create Membership with a card and entice guest to come back often!

There you have it!! The key success factors for the restaurant industry. Doing these key success factors will help bring in guest and keep them coming back for more.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Standing Out at Work


  1. Audacity: The courage to think BIG, show initiative, and take risk for a dream while facing the possibility of failure.
  2. Likability: Possessing the attractive attitudes and relational skills that cause others to want to work with you.
  3. Capacity: Potential for growth, the desire to keep learning so you can increase in competence and handle greater responsibility. 
  4. Reliability: Earning the trust of others by always keeping your promises and fulfilling your responsibilities, even if it requires sacrifice.
  5. Loyalty: Being faithful to your boss when difficulty test your commitment.
  6. Integrity: Practicing in secret the values and beliefs you claim to hold in public. Do not compartmentalize your life.

Implementing these traits will help you SHINE at work!

S-Step out in faith (Audacity)

H-Help others succeed (Likability)

I-Improve myself daily (Capacity)

N-Never make excuses (Reliability)

E-Eliminate gossip (Loyalty)

S-Safe guard your life (Integrity)

Lets Connect!

I am looking to build my professional network with passionate, like-minded professionals.

Together we can make a difference!
I want to acknowledge and thank Rick Warren (2012) for these awesome words of wisdom!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Welcome to the Hospitality Industry Geek


My name is Chris (Sid) Maples and this is my new blog. I have been wanting to do a blog for a while now but wasn't sure on what. The last two years I have been working on a bachelors degree in business and I am now two classes away from graduating. I chose the business degree because of its flexibility to move into other industries plus it compliments my current career. I have always said that I was going to keep my options open and was open to leaving the industry if the right opportunity presented itself. As I progressed through the bachelors program I applied my studies to the hospitality industry and I finally realized:

  1. I love what I do! You have to love it to do it for 22 years.
  2. I haven't reached full capacity, there is so much more I can learn.
  3. I would be a fool to walk away from all the experience that I have. 

For the last 22 years I have been working in hotels and restaurants as a bartender. What I love about the hospitality industry is I have a job that allows me to have a positive impact in people's daily lives. I also love how the service and hospitality industry has grown over the years. Even after 22 years I am more focused and passionate then ever about the hospitality industry and motivated to continue to learn and grow.

What you can expect here at Hospitality Industry Geek is everything hospitality. There isn't a topic that is safe. If I can relate it to hospitality then it may be covered and there isn't much that I can't relate to hospitality. For me hospitality is about self-improvement, serving others, living life to the fullest, food, wine, cocktails, traveling, creating memorable moments and making the most of each day.

I will cover topics like:

  • Food and Wine pairing
  • Controlling Prime Costs (liquor, food, and labor) 
  • Leadership and Management styles
  • Marketing, Promotions, and Social Media Essentials
  • Product and Restaurant reviews
  • Customer Service
  • Restaurant Operations

I am going to stop right there because this list can go on and on. You will have to come back to see what I am serving up. So thank you for stopping by and please come again!